1. alr4::BGSall
    Berkeley guidance study
  2. alr4::BGSboys
    Berkeley guidance study
  3. alr4::BGSgirls
    Berkeley guidance study
  4. alr4::BigMac2003
    World cities data
  5. alr4::BlowBS
    Blowdown data, Black Spruce only
  6. alr4::Blowdown
    Blowdown data
  7. alr4::Challeng
    Challenger data
  8. alr4::Donner
    Donner party
  9. alr4::Downer
    Downer data
  10. alr4::Forbes
    Forbes' data
  11. alr4::Heights
    Pearson-Lee data
  12. alr4::Highway
    Highway accidents
  13. alr4::Hooker
    Hooker's data
  14. alr4::Htwt
    Artificial height and weight data
  15. alr4::MWwords
    Word frequencies from Mosteller and Wallace
  16. alr4::MinnLand
    Conservation restrictions and farm prices in Minnesota
  17. alr4::MinnWater
    Total Water Usage in Minnesota
  18. alr4::Mitchell
    Mitchell soil temperature
  19. alr4::Rateprof
    Professor ratings from RateMyProfessors.com.
  20. alr4::Rpdata
    Always plot residuals.
  21. alr4::Stevens
    Subjective scaling data collected by S. S. Stevens
  22. alr4::UBSprices
    UBS price data
  23. alr4::UN1
    National statistics from the United Nations
  24. alr4::UN11
    National statistics from the United Nations mostly from 2009-2011
  25. alr4::Whitestar
    Titanic Survivors
  26. alr4::ais
    Australian institute of sport data
  27. alr4::allshoots
    Apple shoots data
  28. alr4::baeskel
    Surface tension
  29. alr4::brains
    Mammal brain weights
  30. alr4::cakes
    Cakes data
  31. alr4::cathedral
  32. alr4::caution
    Caution data
  33. alr4::cloud
    Florida area cumulus experiment, FACE I.
  34. alr4::domedata
    Metrodome fan experiment
  35. alr4::domedata1
    Metrodome fan experiment
  36. alr4::drugcost
    Drug cost.
  37. alr4::dwaste
    Crock data.
  38. alr4::florida
    Florida presidential election
  39. alr4::ftcollinssnow
    Ft. Collins snowfall
  40. alr4::ftcollinstemp
    Ft. Collins Temperature
  41. alr4::fuel2001
    Fuel consumption
  42. alr4::galapagos
    Galapagos species data
  43. alr4::galtonpeas
    Galton's peas
  44. alr4::jevons
    Jevon's gold coin data
  45. alr4::lakemary
    Lake Mary bluegills
  46. alr4::lakes
    Lake zooplankton diversity
  47. alr4::landrent
    Land rent
  48. alr4::lathe1
    Lathe data
  49. alr4::longshoots
    Apple shoots data
  50. alr4::mantel
    Mantel's artifical data for stepwise regression
  51. alr4::mile
    World records for the mile run
  52. alr4::npdata
    Northern pike catch per unit effort
  53. alr4::oldfaith
    Old Faithful Geyser data
  54. alr4::physics
    Physics data
  55. alr4::physics1
    Physics data
  56. alr4::pipeline
    Alaska pipeline
  57. alr4::prodscore
    Soil productivity
  58. alr4::rat
    Rat data
  59. alr4::salary
    Salary data
  60. alr4::salarygov
    Government salary study
  61. alr4::segreg
    Energy consumption
  62. alr4::shocks
    Small electric shocks in dairy cows
  63. alr4::shortshoots
    Apple shoots data
  64. alr4::sleep1
    Sleep in mammals
  65. alr4::snake
    Snake river data
  66. alr4::sniffer
    Sniffer data
  67. alr4::stopping
    Stopping distances
  68. alr4::swan96
    Black crappie study on Swan Lake, Minnesota
  69. alr4::turk0
    Turkey data, one source
  70. alr4::turkey
    Turkey data, all sources
  71. alr4::twins
    Burt's twin data
  72. alr4::ufc
    Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
  73. alr4::ufcdf
    Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
  74. alr4::ufcgf
    Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
  75. alr4::ufcwc
    Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
  76. alr4::walleye
    Walleye length at age
  77. alr4::water
    California water
  78. alr4::wblake
    West Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data.
  79. alr4::wm1
    Simple windmill data
  80. alr4::wm2
    Windmill data with direction information
  81. dr::ais
    Australian institute of sport data
  82. dr::mussels
    Mussels' muscles data