Berkeley guidance studyalr4::BGSboys
Berkeley guidance studyalr4::BGSgirls
Berkeley guidance studyalr4::BigMac2003
World cities dataalr4::BlowBS
Blowdown data, Black Spruce onlyalr4::Blowdown
Blowdown dataalr4::Challeng
Challenger dataalr4::Heights
Pearson-Lee dataalr4::Highway
Highway accidentsalr4::Hooker
Hooker's dataalr4::Htwt
Artificial height and weight dataalr4::MWwords
Word frequencies from Mosteller and Wallacealr4::MinnLand
Conservation restrictions and farm prices in Minnesotaalr4::MinnWater
Total Water Usage in Minnesotaalr4::Mitchell
Mitchell soil temperaturealr4::Rateprof
Professor ratings from
Always plot residuals.alr4::Stevens
Subjective scaling data collected by S. S. Stevensalr4::UBSprices
UBS price dataalr4::UN1
National statistics from the United Nationsalr4::UN11
National statistics from the United Nations mostly from 2009-2011alr4::Whitestar
Titanic Survivorsalr4::ais
Australian institute of sport dataalr4::allshoots
Apple shoots dataalr4::baeskel
Surface tensionalr4::brains
Mammal brain weightsalr4::cathedral
Caution dataalr4::cloud
Florida area cumulus experiment, FACE I.alr4::domedata
Metrodome fan experimentalr4::domedata1
Metrodome fan experimentalr4::florida
Florida presidential electionalr4::ftcollinssnow
Ft. Collins snowfallalr4::ftcollinstemp
Ft. Collins Temperaturealr4::fuel2001
Fuel consumptionalr4::galapagos
Galapagos species dataalr4::galtonpeas
Galton's peasalr4::jevons
Jevon's gold coin dataalr4::lakemary
Lake Mary bluegillsalr4::lakes
Lake zooplankton diversityalr4::longshoots
Apple shoots dataalr4::mantel
Mantel's artifical data for stepwise regressionalr4::mile
World records for the mile runalr4::npdata
Northern pike catch per unit effortalr4::oldfaith
Old Faithful Geyser dataalr4::physics
Physics dataalr4::physics1
Physics dataalr4::pipeline
Alaska pipelinealr4::prodscore
Soil productivityalr4::salarygov
Government salary studyalr4::segreg
Energy consumptionalr4::shocks
Small electric shocks in dairy cowsalr4::shortshoots
Apple shoots dataalr4::sleep1
Sleep in mammalsalr4::snake
Snake river dataalr4::sniffer
Sniffer dataalr4::stopping
Stopping distancesalr4::swan96
Black crappie study on Swan Lake, Minnesotaalr4::turk0
Turkey data, one sourcealr4::turkey
Turkey data, all sourcesalr4::twins
Burt's twin dataalr4::ufc
Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idahoalr4::ufcdf
Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idahoalr4::ufcgf
Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idahoalr4::ufcwc
Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idahoalr4::walleye
Walleye length at agealr4::water
California wateralr4::wblake
West Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data.alr4::wm1
Simple windmill dataalr4::wm2
Windmill data with direction informationdr::ais
Australian institute of sport datadr::mussels
Mussels' muscles data